
 The new year is certainly a good time for making improvement and planning ahead !

I have one puzzle design in the making, Hexabox, currently in producton of a first copy before final testing. I have a couple of designs on the drawing board, more or less advanced (more in my head than on paper to be honest...).

That's fine, this is the way I want to work (at least as a puzzle maker I am my own boss !), taking the time to do things well. But let's face it, I am not going to have 10 designs on sale at any point of time. The only concern with that is international shipping fees which are always expensive and sometimes too expensive for ordering one single puzzle. I heard that from some of my customers, and I totally understand.

Toying with this idea, I thought that I could have some partnership with a few puzzle designers (1 or 2, may be 3 but not more) for some of their puzzle designs and add them to the catalog. I would model, 3D print and get them on sale. Of course, puzzle designers will get retribution, either free copies of the puzzle or commission. If you are part of the puzzle communities, you can see that there are a ton of good designs published on puzzle will be played or Facebook or Discord  that are actually never produced. Also, I have to admit, some puzzle designers are much more productive than I am, who takes 1 year to finalize one puzzle design...

The idea here is to enlarge the offer of puzzles on the market, using 3D printing which has the benefits of being affordable and quick. The objective is certainly not to compete with the larger online puzzle shops (I love those, same as you !). But to get a few good puzzle designs in the catalog (at least more than one !), get some visibility for partnering puzzle designers, and improve the offer for the puzzlers ! Still no intention for me to grow too much, small is beautiful and I like it that way.

I have started to contact one puzzle designer I exchanged with a few times. It seems that we can work out something. Let's see !  


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