Rota Box by Lucie Pauwels - New prototype

Following up the idea highlighted in my previous post on partnership , I have started to exchange with Lucie Pauwels. Lucie is a well known puzzle designer who does publish regularly new puzzles on Facebook (a lot compared to me...). Some of her puzzles are getting produced of course, but certainly not all and some remain at the prototype stage. It's certainly a missed opportunity for puzzlers. So, I took on the idea to select one or two of her recent puzzles, of course with her kind permission, and then model and print it in 3D. My first choice is Rota Box, as you can see on the pictures below. I have added an additional challenge (I just love additional challenges !) with the last configuration: sames pieces, with a hole obviously inside and an extra voxel at the corner of the box. It is a nice packing puzzle. The box with its opening is kind of tricky and certainly limits possibilities. Both configuration have a unique solution, that requires rotation (no, it is not a spoiler ...