Swiss Cheese and Grape - New batch to be launched in production (soon...)

All current copies of Swiss Cheese and Grape have been sold out (x25, it's a good start!). Thanks a lot for the encouraging comments and feedback !

It seems I was right and it is quite challenging ! So, don't be fooled by the cheesy look !

It's now time to produce a new batch.
Still a few production issues to sort out due to current context, but I hope that it is now a matter of days. The 3D printers should be running soon,  crossing my fingers.

I am still in the process of estimating the right number of copies. So, if you want to be added to the pre-order list, just drop me an email (

Happy puzzling !

Update : the new batch of Swiss Cheese and Grape has been released. Almost sold out already... There are 2 copies left!

Check out the previous post for price and shipping.

Say Cheese !


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